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  • Who can make a research donation?
    Nearly anyone can donate for research purposes. Often, donors who are not currently eligible to donate blood to the community blood supply donate for research purposes. Tattoos, piercings and travel will not disqualify a donor from our research grade collections.
  • I am a new donor, what happens during my first appointment?"
    At your first appointment you will have a mandatory pre-screening. It will last about 15 minutes long and you will be compensated $25 cash for this appointment. Please bring a valid photo ID and be prepared to fill out our standard medical questionnaire and agree to our donor informed consent form. Please be sure you can answer questions on health issues and medications. We will take 3 tubes of blood (approximately 18mls). Typically, your tests results will be back in 24 hours. Please contact us within a few days of your pre-screen to schedule your first donation. The pre-screen is mandatory and will be required every 365 days.
  • How often can I donate?
    You can donate whole blood every 56 days, which is about every 2 months!
  • Will I be compensated for my donation?
    Yes! For a regular whole blood donation, we provide $50 in cash at the end of each visit. If this is a pre-screening appointment, we provide $25 in cash at the end of the visit. For a Leukopheresis donation, we provide $150 in cash at the end of each visit.
  • Where are you located?
    We are located in Watertown Square; on the 4th floor of 63 Pleasant Street in Watertown, MA.
  • Can I take public transportation to your location?
    Yes! Stops on the MBTA Bus Routes 70, 71 and 57 are all less than 1/4 mile away.
  • How long are the donation appointments?
    A typical whole blood donation appointment is about 30 minutes long. A pre-screening appointment is about 15 minutes long. A leukopheresis appointment is about 2.5 hours long.
  • How do I make an appointment?
    For now, the easiest way to make an appointment is to call or email our office. Our phone number is 617-782-0096 and our email is If you need to leave a voice message, please be sure to leave your name and a phone number for us to reach you at.
  • Do you take walk-in appointments?
    No, we take donors by appointment only.
  • Are you open in the evenings/weekends or holidays?
    Our business hours are Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm and Friday 8:30 am - 12:00pm. However, to meet the needs of our customers, most of our donation appointments are normally Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. We are closed for most major holidays; New Year's Day, MLK Jr Day, President's Day, Patriot's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  • Do I need to bring to bring an ID to the appointment?
    Yes, please bring a valid photo ID to each appointment. A valid photo ID can be a U.S. passport or passport card. A valid (or expired one year ago or less) U.S. state-issued driver license, ID card or photo instruction permit.
  • Can I bring my child to my appointment?
    No. Please do not bring children to any of your appointments. For their safety, children are not allowed in our collection area and cannot be in the waiting area without adult supervision.
  • Can I bring anyone else with me to the appointment?
    Due to our strict COVID-19 safety protocols we are limiting the number of people in our facility and are requesting that you come to your appointment alone.
  • How much blood am I donating at each visit?
    We will collect 500ml of whole blood at each regular visit.
  • What should I wear to the appointment?
    Please wear comfortable clothes and a top with sleeves that can easily be rolled up above the elbow.
  • What should I do before and after donating?
    Get a good night's sleep the night before your donation, eat healthy foods and drink extra liquids. Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers, fries or ice cream. Eating iron-rich foods, such as red meat, fish, poultry, beans, spinach, iron-fortified cereals or raisins will help maintain a healthy iron level. The number one reason for deferrals is anemia. Drink an extra 16 oz. of water and other non-alchoholic fluids before the donation; you can be deferred for dehydration. After donating, drink plenty of fluids over the next 24-48 hours to replenish any fluids you lost during donation. Do not skip any meals and make sure to eat after your donation. Avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for about 24 hours after donating.

Work with trained phlebotomists, registered nurses, and licensed physicians.


- Whole Blood

- Buffy Coat

- Platelet Concentrate

- Red Blood Cells

- Plasma


63 Pleasant Street

4th Floor

Watertown, MA 02472

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Copyright © 2019 Research Blood Components, LLC

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